Hope for Every Heart Ministries is about transforming Communities
For us, it’s all about God and people. Going to locations no one wants to go, such as Uganda’s most remote rural communities, in order to improve their living conditions.
Rwamugabo KennedySPONSOREDsponosredKennedy is 15 years and he is sitting his final primary exams that will allow him to go to secondary school but he needs […]
Kyemutai LynetteSPONSOREDsponosredLynet is 11 years old and she is in primary five at Byerima primary school in Kyankwanzi district. Lynet’s mother was impregnated and the […]
Kansiime PhionahSPONSOREDsponosredHappy is 13 years old and she is in primary four class at Uganda Martyrs primary school. Her dream is to appear in court […]
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